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double cross造句

"double cross"是什么意思  
  • Don't trust him any more. he is a double crosser .
  • Last thing they expect me was double cross him
  • Last thing they expect me was double cross him
  • If you don ' t , she accuses you of double crossing
  • Application of a new digitronik in double cross limit combustion control of heat treating furnace
  • Experiment for comparing the performance of erhualian pig double cross combinations and that of duroc landrace large yorkshire three - way cross combination
  • The new type super fine organic double crossing modified betonies clay has been selected as provincial innovative and high technology products
  • Butterfly double falchion is also called double crossing falchion , which is short saber series of southern school , formed through the combination of basic hand methods and features of attack and defense of short saber
    “蝴蝶双刀”又叫“双叉刀” ,是南派短刀套路,它以永春拳的基本手法与短刀的攻防特点组合而成。
  • Since established we have cooperated with zhejiang industry university refinement research station , we have developed yh series such as dispersed organobentonite , new type super fine organic double crossing modified betonies clay
  • The system inherits the advantages of the combustion control systems of single and double cross amplitude limits , having overcome the disadvantages . it not only guarantees the system response performance of change in load , but also takes into account the economic performance of the system
  • It's difficult to see double cross in a sentence. 用double cross造句挺难的
  • For big hysteresis control , response time is long and overmodulation is big , but dynamic performance figure is not good when we only use pi controller 。 so , i try to design the whole control project which composed of the vapor wraps water level control system and combustion control system use the control equipment of double cross - parameter fuzzy - pi controller
    单独采用pi控制,对大滞后控制,响应时间及超调很大,但动态性能指标差。因此,尝试采用双交叉参数fuzzy - pi控制器。组成了汽包水位和燃烧双交叉参数自调整fuzzy ? pi组合控制器的整体控制方案。
  • First , the working principles of the combustion control system of marine main boiler in present use and its disadvantages are discussed in the paper ; in the light of the structure and motion traits of marine main boiler , the combustion control systems of single and double cross amplitude limits are designed . at the same time , the schematic diagram of system and recovery curves of some relative parameters are given , the system working principles and its advantages and disadvantages are discussed . based on the combustion control system of dual - crisscross amplitude limit , by selecting the independent variable , the fixed offset is improved into variable offset , the combustion control system of variable offset dual - crisscross amplitude limit is designed
  • The tale revolves around a group of 31 south korean men originally sentenced to death who received a parole on condition that they would take take part in a suicide retaliation commando in 1968 . later this elite battalion was double crossed by their own government that ordered their deaths after the secret plan was called off
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